Friday, December 10, 2010

Finals.. Finally..

Oh gosh. Can you believe that the end of the semester is here at last?
Actually, it went by so dang fast! It feels like just yesterday I was hiding in my room afraid of my roommates, who are now some of my favorite people.
Finals! Goodness! They are so.... tedious. I'm super thankful for take home finals. Especially when it comes to Math 108. I get four days to work on it. YES!!!
I'll be so glad when I get them all done. Two weeks all to myself... and Greg.. Marathons and Banana Split Oreos. Who could ask for anything better?! The worst part is that I have to say goodbye to two people I have come to love dearly: Ellie and Sonja.
These girls make me laugh so much! When I was told my college roommates would become my best friends, I didn't believe it... And now I do. I'll miss them soo flippin' much!!
But still, with a new semester comes new roommates, so we'll see how these next ones fair.
I'm really excited for my classes next semester, as well. I'm thinking about dabbling in History Ed and Math Ed...     Oh! And I'm taking and auto maintenance class.. That will be WAY fun.
Well, I had best get back to studying. I don't think I have ever studied this much in my entire life.. Wish me luck and know that I will most likely make it out alive.... I hope...
Keep an eye out for a better post... Hopefully my life spices up a little bit after finals..

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Snow Snow Snow SNOW!!!

And no, I'm not excited about it.. The !!! were more of a frustrated yell than anything else. I'm so not ready for snow. Last week's weather was amazing. 60 degree weather, sunshine, NO SNOW. It was wonderful. And then I walk to class Monday morning and it starts to snow. What the mess is that? It snowed literally all day. From about 7:30 to... I wanna say 6:30. So ridiculous.And then it snowed today as well. But, I did go out and get some cute snow boots. So that's a plus, right?
Today I didn't go to class. I know, shocker. But it's because I threw up three times trying to get ready for my morning class and then once later in the day before my afternoon class and then almost again after I tried to eat. So retarded. I'm thinking it's the 24 hour flu or something like that, cause I'm starting to feel better and it's already the next day. But we'll see.
I'm supposed to go to Boise with Courtney tomorrow for her best friend/ex-boyfriend's cousin's wedding.. SO, tomorrow will be interesting. I'm hoping that we can find a boy to ride with us that way if we get stranded on the way home in the storm Friday night, we will have the priesthood with us. But so far no luck. And I'm pretty sure that if we can't find a boy, then I don't want to go. As much as I trust Courtney, I don't think I would be okay with driving through a snow storm with just us two.
I think I'm going to pull an all-nighter tonight... But I'm not sure. It's already 2 am and I'm growing tired.
The couch. The best place to sleep when ill.. I think I'll take it up on it's offer.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

(Insert Clever Title Here)

Not a lot has been happening here this past week.We had our "Nightmare Before Halloween" party on Saturday and of course, it was WAY fun. So many people showed up throughout the night, we guesstimate about 80 in all. It was a huge success, even though I left half way through. I got bored, so I went with Greg and his roommates and FHE sisters party hopping. We ended up going to only one other party, but nonetheless, it was fun. Then I went to Viking 103 with Ellie and Sonja (after the party had ended of course) and watched When a Stranger Calls. It was great. Ellie always makes scary movies more scary because she screams for just about everything, which makes me scream, which then makes me laugh, and hurts my throat... and Joey's ears... But that's a different story. (Ellie and I watched What Lies Beneath with Joey and his apartment the night before and Joey sat next to me and Ellie and I'm pretty sure that we busted his ear drum.. and my throat muscles..) But it was just a great night. I dressed up as Little Red Riding-hood and had a blast.

Sunday was interesting. I received my very first calling. I'm assistant ward librarian. Fun stuff. Especially since Ellie is the ward librarian. But hey, I have a calling. And it's semi-legit. More legit than some other callings I have heard of, like Relief Society greeter... Lame right? But hey, whatever. I'm not judging... a lot..

I feel like college has taught me more about me. I used to think I would love getting out on my own, but the longer I am out here, the more I miss my parents and the guidance I once rejected. No longer can I just ask my father what I should do or ask my mother to make me something to eat, or to fix the holes in my life. I can always call them, but ultimately, it's now MY life to live and I have to make the decisions. It's a scary thought. But, I know that this is teaching me to become the mother and wife Heavenly Father wants me to be.

But yeah, that's all I have to say for now. Oh, one more thing, every time I went to spell the word "but" and the b was capitalized,  I always spelled it "BUt". How annoying. I think that I should just start avoiding using that word....

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hidden Faces Dance Party

Wow, what a week. It sucked! Well, for most of it anyways. But I have learned a lot!
Monday-Wednesday were the worst days of the week. There was some serious tension in the apartment, that I THINK we have worked out. But, we discussed it and so at least it's out in the open and we know it's a problem, which is probably why we are all good now...
Thursday rocked my socks off. I went to class, learned some stuff, hung out with Jolley and my roommates, watched a movie in 110 and then went and FROZE at a flag football game. The guys in my ward were playing the married dudes and Ellie, Sonja and I decided we should probably support them.. So we went. It was way cold. But we won:) That was the best part. Oh, and drinking hot chocolate in my warm apartment afterwards in celebration with John, Ellie, and Sonja.
Friday wasn't half bad. Just chillaxed and stuff. Took this amazing nap.
Saturday was the ball. It was way fun. Jolley came over in the morning and we decorated our masks, and then I got a pedicure with Ellie (the best part of that was that it was free!) and went to Wally World with Greg. That was way cold!! And then Aubrie did my hair for the ball and Sonja gave me a manicure. Sonja and I got hungry so we went to this place called Bambino's. OML, they are way good. They had super funny signs on the wall. Just letters that people had written. My favorite said:
Dear Boys,
Please stop proposing on the first date.
Sincerely, Girls.
And in response was one right next to it that said:
Dear Girls,
But I prayed about it!
Sincerely, Boys.
Isn't that great?!?!? I love it. That place is the for reals. Then, I had just barely enough time to eat and get dressed and put make up on before Jolley came. Then we waited for John 106, Ellie's date, and headed off the the Hart for some good ole fashion dancing. They had a DJ in the lobby and in the gym they had a live band playing ball room type dancing, mostly a lot of swing. It was great because out of the four of us, none of us knew how to dance. It was so fun. Dancing for like, three hours straight is so tiring! But then we came home and played Apples to Apples. I HATE that game, mostly because I suck really bad at it. Ellie and Jolley kept getting all the green cards and eventually John made a come back. And then he felt bad that I was losing so he gave me one as a pity card. A PITY card!! Mean.
After the left we of course stayed up talking. Mostly, Ellie talked, I just fumed over my pity card.
Sunday was cool. I went to church, did my visiting teaching, talked with Bishop, and later that afternoon Joey came over with Shane and Taylor 107 to do this missionary thing for the mission prep class. Taylor was the preemie and Shane was the S.C. and Joey was our "dad". It was fun. Taylor is going to be a GREAT missionary. He leaves in January for his mission in Brazil. Way cool. After they left five of us went to Viking Village to invite people over after their priesthood meeting to play games. Out of all of the people we invited, only Greg, Jesse, John 110 and Cody came. So we played Catch Phrase and joked around. After that, I got to talk to my best friend. That made my weekend! Then I went with John 110 and watched Bolt. It was a cute little movie. Would have been better if Miley Cyrus didn't have a role in it. But nonetheless, it was cool.
Monday didn't suck as much as last weeks. But I spent the majority of it doing math. I had a project and a study guide and homework due the next day and I wasn't even close to being done with either of them. Greg came over and helped me a bit on the homework after I had finished the project. Then I tried to finish it on my own, unsuccessfully at that. FHE came around and after the lesson we made cookies and Stephen, my FHE brother, helped me with the rest of the study guide. The Ellie, Sonja and I went to 110 with John and watched a movie. OML, it was way good, but super scary.
Tuesday was fine. I finished my math work with my partner and then Hung out with Greg and James. It was a good day, tho I'm pretty sure I completely failed the exam I took. Ellie and I went to another flag football game but the other team didn't even show up! How rude!!
Today hasn't been half bad. About to go to class actually. :) Wish me luck!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Birthday Bash Palooza Extravaganza Time

This weekend has been great!!!
Friday: Well, lets see. I didn't do a whole lot, hung out with Aubrie and Tucker and Jedi mostly. And did laundry. But it was so fun. Nice to just hang out with them. Then, Greg and James came over with a cake. It was great! A minty-chocolaty cake. Totally yummy. Greg always under-estimates his cooking skills. And then I went with Ellie and Joey to Mike's choir concert. We saw the Women's Choir, Vocal Union (they were so totally wicked!), the Collegiate Choir, and last, but not least, the Men's Choir (that's the one Mike is in). Everyone sounded so great! I really had a good time. Afterwards, the four of us went to Wendy's and just ate and chatted. Got home in time to talk to some friends and catch some z's.
Saturday: I woke up late, of course, but I only got like, 8 and a half hours of sleep. And then hung out and watched Grey's anatomy and Bones (which I still have to finish) until John came over and invited us to go watch the owl movie in 3D at the cheap theater. So of course me Sonja and I went. It was totally fun. And after that we joined Ellie at the football game. Our friend from the ward, Edward, was playing against James' team. So when I get to the stadium I get a text from Greg asking why I was to good to sit with him and his friends. I was so totally creeped out cause I had no idea where he was but he knew where I was.. It was a strange feeling. Eventually we convinced him and his friend Tyrell to sit with the three of us. The game was pretty good... We left early tho. All of us did actually. Greg and Tyrell went to get frozen yogurt (what girls) while Ellie, Sonja, and I went to make appointments to get our hair cut (I know, such a female thing to do, but it's ok, cause we are female). Then, Tyrell and Greg came over and just hung out for a while. When they left, the three of us went our separate ways to do homework or sleep or whatever. However, after I went to Walmart with Jedi and Aubrie and Tucker, Courtney came home and we went and had us some fun. She really wanted to prank the guys volleyball team that she coaches, so we filled up some water balloons, got some water guns form 101 and went on a hunt. We ended up trapping half the team in one guys car. We surrounded the car so they couldn't get out and then when they did, bombarded them with water. It was so much fun. Afterwards we went by Viking Village to say hey to some friends. Ended up spending the rest of the night in 104 talking about various boy troubles. Sonja wrote me a rap and Taylor performed a poem he wrote, about a monster that lives on a mountain and a wicked old wizard. It was crazy awesome! Then, of to home to get some sleep for church.
Sunday: Church was great. Ellie had bought some doughnuts for my birthday breakfast the day before and we finally got to eat them. Courtney's lesson in Relief Society was amazing. Sunday school was great and sacrament was inspiring. After church I came home and did some Book of Mormon homework until our Home Teachers, Joey and Sean(or Scott, I can't remember) stopped by. It was a great lesson and fun just sitting and talking with them. Then, my Visiting Teaching companion, Katie, came by so we could visit teach. That blew up as one of our girls was out of town and the other (my neighbor) was asleep. So we made plans so come back later in the week. The Ellie, Sonja, and I went over to Viking Village to find us some dates to the masquerade ball this coming Saturday. I asked Jolley (you might remember him from CTF and Sardine at Porter Park, he was the sneaky one who tricked me) and he said yes. Ellie asked John in 106 (I clarify what apartment he is in because there are like, four Johns in our ward), and Taylor, the guy in 104 Sonja wanted to ask, already has other plans.. So we just need to find her another guy to ask. Then we went home and hung out with John from 110 (our FHE brother). Greg came over to fix my computer and then I went with him to hang out at his place with James and Tyrell until Jedi got me for dinner. It was pretty fun. I met Lyle, Greg's black friend with a white name. And Tyrell, btw, is a white guy. Go figure! Anyways, at Jedi's we had fondue and played hand and foot and ate cake. Aubrie and Jedi got me these awesome house shoes that you can microwave to make your feet warm. They are epic. After dinner and games I went to 110 at Viking to watch The Princess and the Frog. It was fun. Ellie, Courtney ad I went up the floor to invite people to eat cake and watch a movie with us. We even got John, the study-holic from 106 (Ellie's date for Saturday) to come. And I met someone new. Brad from 109. He is the only person from 109 that I know. I'm proud of myself. Lol. The movie was great and I had a blast.
Monday: We are going to end the weekend with a party, just us and 110, our FHE brothers. It's gonna be a blast.
Today is a start of a whole new Auvie. Hope you like her!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Spooning- 304 Edition

What: Apartment Night
Who: Sonja, Ellie, Courtney, Auvie
Activity: Spooning
No, it's not what you think. For our apartment night the four of us went to the guys apartments on our ward and stole their spoons. If their door was unlocked and no one was home, we went in. We managed to hit four apartments. Two of which had someone home, in their room, on their computer, oblivious to the world. The other two had no one home, but their doors were unlocked. After those four, there was one we just couldn't pass up. 106. Cody was home, on a double date with a friend and two girls from our ward. So what did we do? Knocked on the door, told Cody to keep a secret and started taking his spoons. We didn't even bother to tell him what was going on. We just told him to keep it a secret. Then, we wanted to see if we could get into 101. So we staked out their door by hiding around the corner. Sonja and Courtney were sleep deprived, so they got the idea to sneak around the back of the building and peek in the window, like a creeper. Then, for some reason, they took James' pictures that were sitting on the window sill. Once we ran away, they went and took back the pictures and apologized.
When we got home, Cody was there, because his date lives in the room below us. He races up the stairs behind us and forces his way into our apartment. Then, he starts taking everything he can grab: forks, knives, paper towels, even our trash can! Eventually he go out the door with Sonja's phone. So Ellie went and worked her magic and in return for the phone, she has to cook him dinner on Thursday and we had to give him a spoon. Just one. What a crazy night! But it was so much fun!
At 10:30 the next morning we are woken up by pounding on our door. We think it's the guys, demanding their spoons, but there are girl voices mixed in with the guy voices, so we just leave the door unanswered. No one came during the day asking for their spoons, and even at the ward hay ride activity only one person mentioned it. Come Sunday morning, we decided to let the guys have their spoons. So we draw a big spoon in our window to let them know it's us. But we don't say anything at church. By the end of Sunday night, three apartments came to reclaim their spoons. 106 even told us that the next group to prank them is getting a dosed with chunky milk and Koolaid powder. Haha. The moral of the prank: Don't leave your door unlocked on a Friday night.
One more thing. This kid in my ward, Charles, is in the same math class as Jedi, they are "tight", and he also served in the same area as Skylar just three months ago. He knows Skylar, though they never served together. How weird.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

CTF and Sardines in Porter Park

Well, last night I went out with Sonja, Ellie, and Courtney to play Night Games with some guys from our ward. It was so much fun. Once we got to the park we decided to play sardines and to be safe, we split into pairs. My companion was this kid called Jolley. Ha, he was super cool. We ended up walking around the whole park and being the last ones to find everyone. Then we moved on to play CTF (capture the flag). We broke into two teams and divided the park. For the first game, Sonja found the flag, and she was on my team, so that was awesome! Then, we made new rules. We added a jail. I ended up being the guard for the jail. Well, Jolley, Courtney, and Dexter all got caught and put in jail. Then, somehow, Courtney and Dexter escape! And then they are caught again and Zack walks up. Then like three seconds later everyone but Jolley escaped. So I thought that Zack pretended to be caught so that he could free his teammates. So I start ranting about it. All in good humor, but Jolley is just standing there laughing and agreeing withe me. Then, Shane comes to jail, and then suddenly there he goes! With Jolley right behind him! Jolley was a spy! He wasn't actually ever caught! Oh man, I caught him and then let him have it! Haha. It was so much fun. Afterwards we walked back to our apartment to grab some hot coco and then off to Viking Village, the guys apartments, for some of Shane's awesome brownies. Haha, somehow we ended up talking about a instructor here that was raised a Jew and then converted. But the funniest thing was when Zacl said, "He's a JEW!!!" that night just was awesome.
I'm going to go backwards, so stay with me. Friday night I made Del Mills' Famous Chimichangas. Sonja and Shea helped make them, then Mike and Sonja helped me eat some. They were so delicious! I had about 15 left over, so I took some to Jedi's to share with his friends. And then the girls eventually ate the rest. It was a lot of fun. That night I also got a letter. Most of you know what that means. Man, that letter made my week! No, my month!! Man, I was so happy to get it! I wrote back immediately. Haha.
Now, today was fast and testimony and it was a great Sunday. I really enjoyed the lessons and the testimonies that were borne. After church Jolley, his friend, Courtney, and this other girl from our ward came and gave the first lesson to me and Ellie as part of their missionary training class. It was fun acting like someone who hasn't been to church in years. Courtney did a really great job teaching us about prayer.
Well, that about sums up my week. With any luck, most of us are going to to down to SLC for General Conference. I really hope it works out. That would be such a great experience!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Did I Say Adventures?

I certainly meant sleep.
Lately I have been sleeping a lot. Jedi says it's cause I'm getting into a depression that comes to a lot of freshmen in a new place... I think it's just cause I have had late nights and early mornings. Ha!
Anyways, my classes have just been wonderful. I still love them. Especially my Book of Mormon class. It's amazing. I learn so much every day in that class, and we haven't even gotten past 1 Nephi 2! How crazy is that?? I love it.
We had a ward social tonight because we haven't been able to break into FHE groups just yet. So, we all got together, ate pizza and ice cream, and then split into three groups to play games. My group played missionary tag. It was hecka fun. Oh! That reminds me, with roommates from all different places, I'm learning new words! Like hecka! Ha. Anyways, after wards me and Ellie (roommate) came home. I had some psych reading to do for class tomorrow :/
But yeah, I haven't been up to much so far, but the semester is still young! I have made some new friends. I spent a lot of time last week at Greg's apartment playing video games and watching movies with him and his roommates. They are awesome. I really appreciate their friendship.
Tucker is as cute as ever. I get to watch him every couple of days for Jedi and Aubrie and he is as precious as can be. I love him so MUCH!
Oh! Speaking of Jedi. He taught me how to drive a manual and I totally have it down pat now. My starts are a little rough still, but I haven't been stalling out anymore, which is always a plus. Haha.
Well, these have been my adventures. I feel like it's been FOREVER since I last blogged, but it hasn't even been three weeks.. I feel like I have been in Rexburg for months, even though it's only been a couple weeks. It's so homey here. I love it!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Let the Adventures Begin

Let's start from the beginning.
The drive out took FOREVER. But the scenery was BEAUTIFUL.. We went through Memphis and OKC and Nebraska and Wyoming. The last two states took the longest in my opinion. I felt like we were never going to get here. But, we made it! We left the house in Alabama at.. 6 pm on Friday night, and arrived in Rexburg at about 3 am Sunday morning. It was hecka cold but once we got inside and wrapped up in blankets, we made it through.
Sunday morning Tucker woke us up crying for Grampa and Maka (Gramma) and Aunt Aubie. Haha. He is so cute. Sunday was a relaxing day of catching up for all of us. I went to church with Jedi for sacrament and my oh my! I was sooo single!!!!! Since it was a family ward in REXBURG, Idaho, I was quite possibly the only single adult in the room. Then we went home and chilled.
Move in day, aka, Monday, was hectic. We get up and went to check in to my very own apartment. It took FOREVER, almost as long as the drive! Okay, not really. But it still took a ridiculous amount of time. Finally I was able to move in. I met two of my roommates, Ellie and Shea, and choose a room. I share my room with Sonja, and she is pretty tight. As I was finally unpacking after a long shopping trip to Idaho Falls, I was finally able to sit down and unpack. That's when I met Courtney. She is... awesome. Ha. I really like all of my roommates, even Carly, who sometimes scares me.
The next few days I spent at Jedi and Aubrie's until my parents left Wednesday night. Classes started on Thursday. I only had two classes that day, but my first class was at 8 am! I realized as I was leaving the house that I didn't know where the building I had class in was. So after asking around like a typical freshmen, I found my way to the Benson building with five minutes to spare. Then I realized my class that morning was in the Ricks building! Oh no!! With only five minutes to spare I made it to the right classroom. Psychology was awesome. My professor, Bro. Ricks. Is pretty cool. I think I'm going to like his class. Then I had a few hours (like five) til my next class, math. Same building, so no troubles there.
Math, I have always liked math. But I think this year I'm going to love it. Even though it's hecka confusing because we are using an online program called MyMathLab. There is a lot to figure out. But what's college with out a little bit, shoot, a lot a bit, of confusion?
Friday I only had one class, American Foundations aka History. That class is at 7:45 in the Benson building, so no trouble there, ha. That class wasn't so bad. The Fonz is in my class. Okay, so maybe not, but when he walked in he was wearing a black leather jacket and had black hair, so I thought if the Fonz. But get this, when we were introducing ourselves during roll call, he said he was from England! He even had the accent! I must become his friend! Lol!! But yeah, the rest of the day was spent with Aubrie and Tucker. Fun stuff.
Saturday was spent doing homework and watching Tucker and football. Very nice.
I'm starting to love it here. I have made a couple new friends, one of them in a very interesting way;)
The weather is crappy as mess during the morning and night. Lol. It's not to bad later into the day, around the afternoon. But I'll get used to it. Being here is totally worth it!